How to choose the Right Chatbot and its Benefits [2023]

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In a competitive business world, companies and businesses today have to think beyond selling and making a profit. Having the right HR professional is critical for gaining skilled employees, assure cultural fit, saving money and time, and improving employee relationships. However, apart from this, businesses today need to invest in relevant technologies that can make a difference. 

Technology has become an indispensable part of everyone’s work and personal life. This is why many companies are investing in AI recruitment chatbots that can provide them with the right assistance as and when needed.

Over the years artificial intelligence (AI), has become a part of most businesses in many different capacities. Hence, you can find many companies investing in recruitment chatbots that can make things convenient and easier for candidates, especially during the application process. 

These AI chatbots are designed to answer some of the common queries that most candidates have while they are applying for the position. Talent acquisition teams make use of these AI recruitment chatbots that help convert job seekers into candidates. This can make things easier for the recruitment teams and HR professionals that can proceed with the recruitment process. 

Having the right recruitment chatbot can allow you to have application information available in a structured format which is easier to process. Also, the bot can ask questions to the candidate that you can feed in to understand their expertise and skills.

These chatbots can provide information on a company’s culture and history. It can also offer updates on application status and a lot more that can help recruiters acquire the best talent. 

Also Read – Top 10 Ways in which HR Chatbots have transformed HR department

6 Criteria for Choosing the Best Recruiting Chatbots

There is no doubt that a recruitment chatbot is a more advanced way to interact with job seekers interested in applying for a job in your company.

However, when you are planning to choose the best recruitment chatbots you need to ensure that you have relevant details and information that can help you choose the best ones relevant to your business. 

#1 Identify What You Want

Even before you decide which AI recruitment chatbot you want to choose you need to have clarity on what you want.

This is critical because different chatbots are designed to resolve different business purposes and goals.

When you are sorting through various recruiting chatbots you need to ensure that they can simplify the hiring process the way you want it. This would include integrating different features and options to it to help job seekers conveniently apply for the job.

If the AI-powered chatbot does not resolve your problem it makes no sense to invest in it. 

#2 Understand Its Capabilities and Features

Not all recruitment chatbots are the same.

You need to be clear about what you expect from the recruitment chatbot you choose. Different types of recruitment chatbots would mean that some are designed for certain purposes and to complete certain tasks and assignments.

You should compare and evaluate these chatbots that would make things easier for you.

If you are interested in buying AI chatbots that can assist job seekers to fill up their applications then you need to ensure that the technology you invest in can do that.

#3 Does It Work With Your Current Business Technology?

Different businesses and companies make use of different technologies. Therefore, you need to look for the best AI recruitment chatbots that are compatible with your current business setup and technology.

This can make a huge difference to how AI-powered chatbot works and integrate with your business technology. 

Chatbots for recruitment is designed to help job seekers fill up the application form and save and structure it the right way to help you process it.

Many recruitment bots make use of Google Sheets for the integration of information and data. Hence, you must be clear about how your chatbot technology will work once you have invested in it. 

#4 Know When to Interact

Candidate experience is critical when it comes to attracting, assessing, and acquiring talent.

So, when you are choosing these chatbots you need to focus on when the chatbot will interact with the job seeker.

Instead of continuously interacting with job seekers you must look out for AI recruitment chatbots that know when to interact and assist the job seeker with filling out application details and forms.

AI-powered chatbots make use of AI and machine learning technology to decide when they need to step in and make a conversation.

This would add to the candidate’s experience and allow job seekers to apply for the job. 

#5 Does It Sound Robotic?

Although chatbot technology is robotic, the goal here is to give it a more human approach and feel.

Some of the best recruitment chatbots incorporate natural language processing and speech support that provides a seamless experience to job seekers.

The conversation between the chatbot and the job seeker is natural, making the job seeker feel that he or she is talking to a real person.

For this, chatbots have to comprehend, recollect and continuously learn from the data they have collected through conversation. Also, the tone of the recruiting chatbot must be polite and professional.

The words and the tone of the chatbot must be an extension of your brand. 

#6 Get Analytical Data of Your Chatbot

When you are investing in these best recruitment chatbots you must know if they are performing as per your expectations.

For this, you would need analytical data and details to help you look through the success and failures of the recruitment chatbot you choose.

Acquiring all the reports and analytical data can help you know more about conversations your chatbot is having with job seekers. Also, you would be able to see if the chatbot can successfully convert a job seeker into a potential applicant. This data will allow you to measure and see how the chatbot is delivering value to your business. 

Top 6 Benefits of Recruiting Chatbots

Technology has a multitude of benefits. Hence, companies need to focus on how they can invest in the right ones that can make a difference.  

Let’s take a quick look at the top 6 benefits of recruiting chatbots.

#1 Speed Up the Hiring Process

Sourcing candidates for a single role can be time-consuming and hectic. HR teams and professionals spend many hours and days narrowing down some of the potential candidates that are ideal for the job positions.

With the help of AI-powered chatbots, HR teams can streamline the hiring process and reduce the workload.

These chatbots can

  • parse large volumes of resumes and job applications,
  • schedule interviews,
  • and even contact candidates to inform applications via text message about the interview process

#2 Improve the Quality of Candidates

With the best AI and machine learning chatbot technology, these recruitment chatbots can pre-screen most job seekers even before you look at the resumes. This allows you to funnel and filter only those candidates that have the right skills and knowledge for the job position. Chatbots can ask various questions that would allow screening candidates and assessing their potential before you can.

#3 Schedule Interviews

Calling potential as well as passive candidates and fixing an interview date and time can be cumbersome.

However, with a recruitment chatbot, you can ensure that you can focus on other duties.

These recruiting chatbots can integrate with calendars and help you schedule the interviews. With this simple feature, HR recruiters can now save time and be more productive for their company. 

#4 Answer User Queries

Various job seekers would have different queries and doubts while going through the application process. With AI recruitment chatbots you can ensure that these questions are answered in a very professional and friendly way.

If the job seeker wants to know more about the company or is stuck during the application process the AI chatbot can provide answers and instant solutions to make things easier and more convenient.

#5 Provide Better Candidate Experience

Candidate experience is critical to assessing and finding the best talent. With the best recruitment chatbots, HR recruiters can ensure that they can provide job seekers with the right experience from the moment they fill in the application form.

These chatbots have friendly conversational language that makes them feel like a real person. Candidates can talk to the bot about any queries they have and it makes them feel that they received the right assistance and care that they desire.

Unlike HR recruiters, these chatbots are active 24X7 and therefore candidates can talk to these chatbots even at odd hours.

#6 Minimize Human Bias

Recruitment chatbots rely on AI and machine learning technology. Hence, the decisions they make are based on the collective data that they collect during the conversations.

Most of the decisions made by chatbots are based on data and therefore they minimize human bias.

They can filter and funnel candidates that are best suited for the position and as per the skills and knowledge, the candidate displayed while filling up the application form. 

Top 4 Best Recruiting Chatbots

#1 Hyreo 

Hyreo Logo

Hyreo’s conversational AI chatbot system engages with offered candidates using nudge messages such as texts, emails, or WhatsApp messages. While answering queries for candidates, it also enables automated ticketing, scheduling of meetings, alert messages for recruiters, and hiring managers, and document collection from candidates with no human intervention.

The Hyreo chatbot also enables the prediction of candidate intent to join with up to 80% accuracy. With the synergies achieved by an in-built nudge engine, a robust ticketing system, a powerful conversational AI chatbot system, and an automated content push engine,

Hyreo can also automate up to 60% of recruiter tasks, significantly enhancing the candidate experience and thereby the company brand image.  

#2 HireVue 

HR recruiters looking to screen more candidates in a relatively short time can make use of HireVue. Powered by AI, this HR chatbot makes use of text messages to communicate with job seekers. The chatbot is designed to help HR recruiters find the best talent for a particular position.

HireVue is also designed to schedule interviews, send reminders and even reschedule with candidates without any human intervention. The chatbot is available in more than 41 languages and has facilitated more than 26 million interviews and is an ideal recruitment chatbot for large companies who hire frequently. 

#3 Humanly

If you are a moderate-sized company, Humanly would be one of the top AI-recruitment chatbots that you can choose. This chatbot is designed to screen and schedule candidates while providing a friendly human experience and conversation.

It offers integration with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and therefore you can find all the information structured and ready to use. It can also make use of the data from your performance management system to help you filter the best candidates that match those skills.  

#4 (Olivia) is one of the leading names in the HR tech industry. With their flagship product, Olivia, you can make your HR work easier and more convenient. Olivia is an AI assistant that interacts with job seekers and applicants via text.

Years of research and implementation have gone into the design and development of Olivia which makes it one of the best recruitment chatbots in the market. Olivia can help HR recruiters with scheduling interviews, sending reminders, screening, and filtering candidates based on performance data and information – all this without any human intervention.

The chatbot also makes use of machine learning technology to give it a more human touch.


Bot adoption has become quite popular in the past few years. Many companies prefer to make use of recruitment chatbots that are designed to bring in the human touch without the intervention of the HR team or recruiters.

These chatbots are AI-powered and they can gather applicant information like their resumes, screen and filter the best candidates, schedule interviews, provide company-related information, answer queries by applicants, and much more. 

FAQs on recruitment chatbots

How do recruitment chatbots process information and communicate?

Most recruitment chatbots rely on two processes that help them collect information and communicate. Firstly, using rules that are incorporated into the system. Secondly, through AI and machine learning methods where chatbots use collective data to make decisions and interact. 

What is the future scope of the recruitment chatbot?

Companies prefer to integrate recruitment chatbots into their website to improve candidate experience and acquire the best talent. It is likely that these chatbots are here to stay and thrive. 

How do chatbots learn more over time?

Recruitment chatbots make use of various new technologies like AI, machine learning, and natural language processes which allows them to learn from the conversations they had with applicants and the data they have collected over time. 

Are recruitment chatbots expensive?

Different recruitment chatbots offer different features and options. The pricing may vary for different chatbots. However, you can look for a free trial to help you try and make a decision. 

Are recruitment chatbots scalable and versatile?

Yes, you can make changes to the features and how you want to implement these chatbots to provide you with the best solutions. 

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