Importance of Asking Cultural Fit Interview Questions and What to Ask

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Businesses always feel the need to think about finding solutions that would allow their employees to be more productive and efficient. While it is critical to invest in the best technology and industry innovations, it is also vital to find and acquire talent that can help the company achieve its goals and vision. 

HR teams understand their role in a competitive business environment and that acquiring the right talent is the key to growth. Choosing perfect candidates and converting them into employees isn’t just about saving time and money but also about how you can create a work-friendly environment and bring in a team player that can enhance the morale and confidence of the team..

Different companies have different work cultures. Most potential candidates research the company’s history and mission statement but they often do not know much about the work culture of the company. Various HR teams prefer to hire job candidates that are in sync with the personality and values of the business to reduce employee turnover. 

This is because ‘culture fit’ isn’t about the skills and talent of the ideal candidate, but it works like a platonic relationship where candidates share the same beliefs, values, and attitudes as the business company they want to join. 

The Robert Walters Group reports that 98% of employers and 97% of professionals agree on the importance of cultural fit in the workplace.One of the main reasons why culturally fit job interviews have become so important in today’s work scenario is that businesses want to minimize employee attrition. Employer turnover can cost a business a lot in terms of time and capital. Hiring and training candidates that don’t believe in the company values and beliefs would be a waste of time as these employees will eventually leave the company.

It is vital to hire candidates who are a good cultural fit and have the same belief system and values. This is important as it makes them more aligned to the company’s goals and they would be more productive and satisfied with their jobs. 

With all that positive buzz on the internet and social media, companies have the benefit to attract, assess and acquire the best talent and create a more positive brand image not just for job seekers but for clients and business partners as well. 

25 Cultural Fit Interview Questions to Ask

Various HR professionals and teams today understand the importance of choosing candidates that are the right cultural fit. However, all that begins with the right questions that you ask during the job interview process.

Here are 25 common interview questions you need to ask to assess culture fit.

#1 What motivates you?

#2 How would your colleagues describe you?

#3 What surprises people about you?

#4 What business would you start if you had money? 

#5 Tell us more about your experiences when you had to work with someone difficult

#6 Are you a team player or a lone wolf?

#7 Are you a leader or a follower?

#8 Would you describe yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Why?

#9 Tell us more about your decision-making process

#10 Describe your dream job

#11 When was the last time you made a mistake at work? How did you handle it?

#12 How do you handle a stressful situation?

#13 What according to you is a successful company culture?

#14 How do you manage conflicts with coworkers?

#15 How do you respond to feedback/ criticism?

#16 How will this job position challenge you?

#17 What appeals to you most about this job?

#18 What do you like/dislike the most about your previous company?

#19 What are your plans for the next five years?

#20 What changes do you see in yourself in the last five years?

#21 What tools and software allow you to be more productive?

#22 Do you prefer to take risks professionally or play safe?

#23 What type of learner are you?

#24 How good are you at following orders?

#25 Why did you apply for this job position?

Benefits of Cultural Fit Interview Questions

Businesses understand the importance of hiring candidates that are culture fit. Hence, HR teams and professionals today focus on how they can incorporate culture fit questions that would allow them to find talent that fit the company values and belief system.

By focusing on organizational culture fit HR teams can ensure a cohesive and positive culture and excellent employee satisfaction ratio that will propel business growth. 

#1 Reduce Employee Turnover

Training employees who will eventually leave the company would be a waste of time, effort, and capital. Various companies and HR teams today understand that finding the right talent alone isn’t going to make a difference. Hence, you must ask relevant culture fit questions that would help in hiring candidates that match the values and belief system of the company. This would ensure that candidates who join feel the right connection with the company and are satisfied with their job opportunities. 

#2 Improved Productivity

Finding a potential candidate that syncs with the company values and work culture can instantly drive productivity levels up. This is because the employees are happy with the work culture and environment they see around and that would drive them to do better. Hiring satisfied employees would trigger better efficiency and productivity and lead to business growth. 

#3 Happy Work Environment

Satisfied employees can help create a positive work environment. HR teams today realize the importance of how a positive workspace can have a domino effect on other employees. Hence, you must choose candidates that are in sync with the culture of the organization and ensure that they boost the morale of the team members to offer a collective positive vibe.

#4 Acquire the Best Talent

Positivity works like a magnet. Hence, when more candidates hear about the positive work culture the company has it can attract the best talent.This would ensure that you can get more talented and skilled people applying for the job opportunities available. You can then sort the best ones that also have the right cultural fit for the company. 

#5 Improves Brand Image

Employees can become brand spokespeople especially when they are happy or dissatisfied. With a positive work environment, you can create a positive brand image for your company. This will not only help you to attract and acquire the best talent in the market but also create a good image of the company attracting more clients and partner firms.


Like individuals, businesses have personalities as well, and often when the two personalities match they create a symbiotic relationship that offers a win-win situation. Hence, businesses and HR teams today focus on hiring candidates that offer the right culture fit. This would ensure better connectivity with business ethics, values, and the work environment. Also, by hiring people that are the right culture fit, HR teams can reduce employee turnover and improve productivity levels and manage to create a positive work environment that is important for exceptional business growth. 

FAQs on Cultural Fit Interview Questions

Is there a strict format for asking a culture fit interview question?

No. However, you need to consider and ask questions that align with your company policies and work environment before you assess candidates. 

Can culture fit questions help you find perfect employees?

Each candidate has their strengths and weaknesses. However, by asking culture fit questions you can find as much overlap as possible in terms of motivation for teamwork, shared values, and work environment.

Can you ask unconventional culture fit questions to the candidate?

Yes. Unconventional culture fit questions are generally unexpected and are effective in revealing more about the human side of the candidate. 

What basic qualities to look for when asking culture fit questions?

When asking these questions you need to ensure that the candidate is trustworthy, a team player, and can manage a work-life balance.

Is it mandatory for HR teams to ask culture fit questions?

The whole idea behind asking cultural fit questions is to hire candidates whose values, beliefs, and behavior fit with the company’s culture, values, and work environment.  

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