Recruiting is like a test match, play and win each session

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2020 certainly took it to a storm when people used come up with a word-of-mouth “vacancies have been frizzed”. Luckily we have overcome the situation and things are getting back to positive started from late 2021. Here one striking truth is the pandemic accelerated a major trend like remote working which is still in the scene; surprisingly 25% higher workforce have been added to retail, and e-commerce industry. However, recruitment across several industries has started in a full swing. What matters in a hiring is recruiting experience from both the recruiter and the candidate’s side.According to LinkedIn, a positive recruiting or candidate experience can help recruiters successfully convert top candidates into employees, whereas a negative experience can cause candidates to withdraw from the hiring process.

“Sourcing and finding people are the most important. You can’t recruit, message, or network with someone you haven’t found.” – Glen Cathey

In this article we would share some secrets of playing and winning the game of recruitment like a pro.

Job requisition and communication– Before posting a job a comprehensive understanding of the job role in particular and objective behind recruitment have to be addressed by a recruiter. This insight gets a recruiter a better command on the key message that needs to be spread across.

Similarly, a candidate should also be aware of whether the job position is matching to their respective profile or not. The communication between the candidate and the recruiter is the key to get in the work cult. Since a lot depends on this communication- this needs to be essentially on-point and encouraging. With this conversation here starts the recruitment journey of the candidate.

Sourcing– These days recruiters reach out to candidates through social media platforms. They upload job posts and target only those candidates who are perfect fit for this job. As a result candidates too apply for those jobs that are befitting. Referral programs, job portals, and outsourcing can also be great sources of employment. End of the day it is all about how you strategically you rope in best talents towards virtual interviews. You have to make sure that it confirms a good candidate experience.

Interview stage– Any job interview is nothing but the recruiting experience which includes four basic stages viz. introduction of the candidate, broad questions and answers, job-specific questions, and discussing future goals. All the questions that are asked in these rounds have to be designed around the company’s future growth perspective. Candidates therefore should dice their respective answers according to that frame or close to it in order to fill the bill.

Offer on-boarding– On-boarding stands for introducing new candidates to the company work culture, their job responsibilities, and most importantly the growth of the company, and their potential contribution towards achieving it. This is the stage where a candidate gets to learn their daily job routine. This is a prime stage of recruiting experience for both the recruiter and newbies.

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